… I would like to offer my strong support for EGASC technology. Having worked with Dr. Sobczynski over a number of years, I have a strong confidence in his ability to develop this new technology and create a successful business model based upon it...
Mark Dykstra, General Manager, ARC
...I’m pleased to offer the following endorsement for the proposal being advanced for EGASC technology by ChemLed Technologies. As an early practitioner of the concept of green technology solutions like our lithium iron magnesium phosphate energy storage solutions, Valance Technology is a globally focused company driven by a commitment to renewable energy, and we share an affinity to the objectives proposed by EGASC technology...
Mark Donaghy, Global Marketing Manager Valence Technology Inc.
...Having been an avid sailor in Connecticut's coastal waters over the years, I have personally seen the deterioration of these waters and strongly feel that EGASC technology may offer a way to bring improvement in their quality...