ChemLed Technologies
was established in 1996. Our first commercial products were Light
Emitting Diodes designed for chemical sensing in NIR – commercially known as
ChemLeds™. Since then we have grown and expanded our product line to
offer detection systems and semiconductor based light sources, as well
as a variety of consulting services in interdisciplinary R&D.
With atomic linewidth, it is characteristically similar in
performance to a standard He-Ne, and is potentially up to 100x more powerful. With passive self-locking, no
servo loops or wavelength tuning of optical components, it provides excellent
atomic wavelength stability that is insensitive to any changes of electrical current
pumping. Visible and Near Infrared wavelengths that are coupled to metastable
states of
Ne(3P2), Ar(3P2), Kr(3P2) and Xe(3P2) are available.
To read more about our flagship product surface light emitting diodes for analytical chemistry - ChemLed's and applications please see: Laser Focus World March 1995 pg. 75 Diode-arrays-may-light-up-compact-spectrometers
Today our company conducts R&D on novel atomic emission lasers, provides scientific instruments OEMs with software and hardware solutions specializing in platform independent HTML-5 Internet connectivity - Wi-Fi 802.11 enabled for mobile and desktop computers, Windows7 x64, advanced applications deployed by a matlab compiler, analytical and spectroscopic systems, Distributed-FTIR - detectors and sources, ChemLed based NIR light sources, and detection systems. Our latest additions to the Wi-Fi 802.11 μservers product line are: Current & Voltage Meter for monitoring energy stored in solar charged batteries, Precision +/- 0.001 pH Meter with a temperature probe of +/-0.001 deg, Thermocouple Vacuum Gauge Reader, and a Servo system based on 19-bit resolution Virtual Absolute(R) rotary encoder made by Gurley.
Our prime development platforms are NetOS®, Xilinx® ISE-VHDL, C/C++, Matlab® language and CUDA® - offering multicore and supercomputing capabilities. Our applications are embedded in μ-Server or as Windows® executable programs.
We hope you'll view our site to learn more about ChemLed's technologies and products. Please contact us to learn how we might provide our expertise to your spectroscopy or photovoltaic and wind metrology requirements and product development challenges.